Summary of FDE Grant Sperry’s Qualifications
Summary of FDE Charlotte (Ware) Keesling’s Qualifications
Indented (Impression) Examinations/Restorations
Non-destructive instrumental and visual examinations of original or office machine copied documents for latent impressions can yield extremely useful information or evidence. In document examination, latent impressions are those left ‘invisible’ on a document residing underneath while a writing or machine impression is produced on the preceding document(s). FDES has the instrumentation and technical skills to locate, preserve, examine and …
Inks, Printers & Copier Examinations
FDES has the requisite training, instrumentation and experience to address issues regarding inks and machine printed documents; both of which are frequently inter-related to handwriting issues and other questions related to date, origin and authenticity. Non-destructive microscopic and instrumental examinations of pen and printer inks (and toners) are frequently conducted as a means to distinguish similarly appearing inks/toners; an issue …
Other Forensic Document Examinations
FDES has the knowledge, experience, training and instrumentation to address and resolve less commonly considered forensic document issues, such as:
• Alterations, additions and deletions made to copies and images (photographs)
• Enhancement and restoration of blurred, partially obliterated and erased information
• Re-construction of various types of torn, shredded and/or charred documents
• Examinations and comparisons of papers to …
Examination & Comparison of Handwriting
Whether it be a copy, original or digital image, the detailed examination, comparison and analysis of handwriting/hand printing for the purpose of determining authenticity, date or origin is a major source of case work submitted to FDES. Mr. Sperry has conducted over a million forensic handwriting examinations and comparisons which have been documented in numerous laboratory reports and presented/defended in …

Free consultation to determine the type of examinations and/or comparisons needed to address the question at issue.